Eidelweisz Lawyers uses LawConnect, a secure cloud-based document management system that enables our clients to access their legal documents.

The documents shared by our firm through LawConnect are organised logically into each matter we handle on your behalf, making it easy for you to find them whenever you want to view them.

Beside allowing you easy access to your documents, you can also make comments to a document by clicking the Comment icon and highlighting the text you wish to comment on. This is easier than using email to comment. After the comments are completed by you, LawConnect automatically sends us an email notification. We will, then, reply in the document or by email depending on the specific circumstances of the matter.

LawConnect enables us to share documents with you without exposing them to the risks of email.

You are also able to upload your own documents into LawConnect for sharing with us or safe-keeping.

Our firm provides LawConnect for you at no charge and you can access LawConnect from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

If you already have LawConnect account you can login here:


If you are a client of ours and would like us to share documents with you on LawConnect, please contact the person dealing with your matter or click here to contact us.

For further information about how to use LawConnect, please see this guide: Getting Started with LawConnect.